we live in the salem of judgment acting as though these are the societal judgment trials acting as though we are perfect and everyone else is either subpar or evil by comparison
we look at people we don't like or don't know and act as though being propelled by a mob
throw our judgment like rocks
douse it in oil and light it up to surround those we deem inherently suspect
string it at first as innocently as christmas popcorn strings growing into a licorice rope and soon it is a rope we unconsciously throw around necks at people with lives and loves and families we always forget they might have
because we're so **** obsessed with ourselves it's like no one else matters or even exists
only us and our lives and loves and families
i'm not blameless but whoever says they are is not
just like the witch trials though our salem tries to end once it gets personal
it never seems to matter who we hurt and judge until it's us
because that's all we care about isn't it? only us