I seriously can't stop thinking and It's killing me High school and last semester man What happened to me? What happened to that person afraid of nothing? My anxiety gets the best of me now And I never leave the **** house.
I see that bonfire and how much fun we had The weird *** cupcakes we made and I know we tricked some of them but I don't remember how.
It's the music man Takes me back everywhere Maybe that's why I love it so much It takes me away from the present and puts me some place else I'm so alone though And I can't take it.
Why do I even think about the last house? It was ****** and the people ****** but I guess it was cheap.
I feel so broke and broken I don't know how to cope And I don't wanna bring anyone new into my life Because it's just the same **** over and over again They come in interested, Realize I'm ****** up, And leave.
She keeps me safe My heart and my sanity Having a routine in an unroutine way Makes everything so much better Less freak outs Less pain So many less break downs through leaking eyes
I love her so much but I don't know what I'm doing or who I am.
I'm so scared I'm not sure of what but I know I am.
I wanna move home For the first time in my life.
I want to go live with my mom and truly give up on life.