The possibilities that light up a skyline seem endless. There are so many outcomes. So many ways a life can turn without any inclination its right or wrong. A glimmer could be a diamond shining through just as easily as it could be fools gold, or more specifically disappointment, reality's favorite trap. All the lights are close enough that I can hold them with my gaze.. but I cant touch them. They are the stars of my existence. In this moment my only certainty is seated at the edge of the sidewalk 39 floors below. Just waiting for the weight of my soul to pry my hands from the balcony that has me perched in a way that's reminiscent of the Titanic. The pressures of the world weigh down on us all but in this moment, gravity is quite appealing. Such a permanent solution to a fickle picture. Even as I prepare to etch my last words with broken bones and blood and confusion and tears, my robe hangs over the rail for someone, anyone to pull me back.