I’d love to have a magic wand Then all Republicans would be gone. I’d wave my wand once again And fill their chairs with honest men And women who could serve Without trying to get filthy rich And could manage to see through Any hateful racist political pitch.
I think we should fire them all Take their wealth as restitution For the attempted ****** of The United States Constitution. Put them into a prison where They do their time breaking rocks And teach them some education; A twenty year school of hard knocks.
We can do it by arresting them all For abrogating their office vows. They don’t understand honesty So we should teach them how. We’ll take every word they said And print up an itemized sheet And fine them for every false word Wouldn’t that be totally sweet?
We could denude them of the riches They gathered while on the job And turn them loose on prison gangs. Let them lie to that angry mob. And part of their punishment could be Digging ditches down at the dump. And joy, oh joy, they might luck out And work beside Donald John Trump.