Composed while I worked, it is choppier than my mental version, sadly. (My pet desire...)
(sonnet #MCMLXIX)
I've wanted to nourish love within these lines, That thence the beauty of the mind, if't be Such excellence to prove, yet how few see Who say, "her coy reserve but half aligns With that pink mini skirt--" as who divines I actually think? might herein shine while we Delve those far deeper wells my modesty Or flirting glance, my pretty face, none mines? Hence, Dearest, know that I write truly, nor Am merely bandying words your touch would feign Get thus the better of, when I adore The way you think, the subtle cords that gain My heart and set on fire, which I'd deplore To outright say. And still, I want that strain.
*sigh* IF by some wild chance ALL my work ever is published and some soul takes the time to read all, repetition will doubtless smack him, but then again, you kin choose favourites, right? No? Here, have some popcorn and just laugh.