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Aug 2017
Love the sentiment of fools I concede
By betrayal itΒ wasΒ banished from my breast
It is absent from my soul
Replaced by a cool dissecting glance
One of acknowledgement
But offered only by chance
I cannot love

Barely acknowledging affection
More likely my response to approach
And upon deep penetrative reflection
'I have no desire to be worshiped or admired from near or afar
As they say my soul lit afire in exhilaration
With a flame that will never be quenched
To grasp for a star that is beyond my reach
An unending yearning that will never cease
A spirit that will find no peace
I will not love

Swearing my oath to he who is good above
And to he who skulks below
For to them it is already known
I will not love

All Rights Reserved @ Tammy M. Darby Oct.12, 2017.
Tammy M Darby
Written by
Tammy M Darby  Corkscrew Settlement Fl.
(Corkscrew Settlement Fl.)   
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