i just want to be the person you write poetry about. not even good poetry. the poetry of 1 AM text messages that try to spell out love in sloppy metaphors about stars and eyes the poetry that swells up in your throat while you're tired so when you speak it into my voice mail it's just "you're so beautiful and wow i'm so in love with you" the poetry of rearranged letter magnets on the refrigerator the poetry of small notes in jackets, half rhymed abandoned words you scribble out between classes and forget in your backpack. i want to be the person you spend hours scratching your head, tugging at your hair trying to frame "you're so amazing and i'm waiting for you to realize i think you're so special" into beautiful flowing words. i'm just saying write me poetry and i will dance like dust on your tabletops glimmering in the light of the sun