Everything that starts has sparks of coming into being, For everything I know through all my senses Has a life, even the rock. Tick tock. (its life takes time). It isn’t hard to think through to a cause primeval; one original, Pristine: a first! After all, what hasn’t had a first? With first comes what will form. Will form forms from a light. What doesn’t have a core of light? Without the light there’d just be night, Light being first in all the firsts. Completeness not yet born. (Oh ****, words are inadequate).
In this entirety it isn’t hard to picture bliss; But with this bliss unhappiness - qualities with opposites: Good/bad and something in between. Light and dark, it’s suffix –ness. Consciousness.
If anything will lead to starts, It’s knowing that and all its parts - Or is it one? Now there’s the fun – Finding out if it is One, If you and I and we are one.
It may lie in the memory; This need may start primarily with me. I need to think of starts.
I Need To Think Of Starts 8.1.2017 Nature In & Of Reality; Circling Round Reality; Arlene Corwin