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Jul 2017
I was too eager to be loved
Too eager to fill this space
Carved and conformed into the perfect place
To fit into another's hand
I was too eager
For heart eyes and butterflies
Those things I knew..
I knew they only existed in fairytales
I was way too eager
To take your words
and have them be reality
Not another chapter book
But a love song
Chopped and *******
My mood a reflection of only greater
things the future would bring
Not a ballad but an orchestra
Of strings and flutes
Bass chello and harps
Pounding out reverberated heart beats
In perfect synchronization
I was too eager
To give you things you didn't deserve
Because fate told me the here and now
Were all there was and now was the time
Now I see
where I went wrong
I was too eager.
Written by
Taylor Kennerly  22
   Latherio Devonte Kidd
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