I'm about to lose her And I keep trying not to think about it But that's all I think about All day All the time
Soon she'll be far gone I won't know how she is I won't know if she is ok I won't know how she looks I won't know if she's alive I won't know how she's living Heck I won't even know where she's living
I won't know if she falls in love again With someone that's not me Someone more white Or Someone more black
Someone that's just not me
I don't know if she'll miss me I don't know if she'll wish to be back I don't know if she'll ever want to call me
I won't know what time it'll be When it's 4 in the a.m for me When I'm still awake Scrolling through the pictures on my phone Scrolling through the poetry that she once wrote 2 and a half years ago for me And then For us But now She probably will write again But I won't ever know Who it's for Or What it's for
God forbid if she writes to me I may not be able to handle it cuz it's gonna hurt and I know it It's worse than I think Worse than she can imagine
Cuz We're still in love Mad love Crazy love Stupid love
But love nonetheless less
But I will know
How much it hurts And That I still will love her always And That She wasn't just the first She was my last too