Why do I keep checking my phone for a message I know I haven't received why do I keep waiting for something that is non existent ? Why do I keep hoping for a miracle ? Why do I keep loving you ? Why is it when I want to move on your always there with an outstretched hand drawing me back to you ? Why is it that whenever you call I keep running back ? Why is it that whenever I'm around you my face that usually says nothing is like an open book ? Easily read Why is it that you can see through my soul? Why ? Why do u do this to me ? Why do u make me hurt ? Why do u make me think ? Why do u make me cry ? Why do u make me angry ? Why do u make me jealous ? Why do u make me feel ? Emotions I'm not used to cause I've been emotionless for years and haven't realised Why are there so many unanswered questions when it comes to you ?