S oaring over cotton clouds, so close you can feel them E levation rising, even the peaceful feel butterflies V ery little leg room, time to pace the aisles E astward we fly, the Atlantic waves wave from below N othing compares to watching the Sun rise from a front row seat in heaven
H ow magical, and powerful, to glide with the wings of an industrial bluebird O ver mountains and skylines, even skyscrapers become building blocks, leaving nothing left to be awed U ltraviolet rays weave by on their way to scorch soft skins R estless temper tantrums of rebellious winds cause turbulence
F lying with my head in the clouds L iterally I think of how many miles each passing minute puts between us G ently but surely this machine pulls me away from your embrace H ow long these next few weeks will last T il I see you, back home, again
- p. winter
A quick poem during a long, seven hour flight away from home...