The Earth spins full circle in a Rhombus pattern; Closed mouths scream at me in the bright bright Dark; Gravity rises and Saviours loot houses; Sing Angels Herald the Hark!
Horrified children play happily with Blunt Spoons; While the Six-Legged vehicles swarm around me; Cats chasing dogs through Bolted Doors; It seems the lost have found me.
This March has stolen charms for me with Purple Money; From wounded ears softly I Cry “Phel! Phel!” Under soft Moonlight the sun Chuckles Blankly The Slugs hunt me under their Shells.
Grass grows on my skin whilst I lay on Earth’s scabs; I try and crawl Backward smashing head-first into Walls; An Empire has collapsed into Everything today; Ever Silent the raven Calls
I fall on my stomach and look at the stars; Circles shift past me revealing their sides; I know I need poison to mend my no-body This Desert has too many Tides.
The Earth spins full circle in a Rhombus pattern; Closed mouths scream at me in the bright bright Dark; Gravity rises and Saviours loot houses; Sing Angels Herald the Hark!