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Jul 2017
Empty smiles, broken dreams,
The pain takes her to new extremes.
Broken promises, people changed,
Why can't her life be rearranged?
Punches thrown, blood shed,
Going to school was to dread.
Hurting inside, downpour rain,
She shoots the drugs up her vein.
Burnt bridges, cut thighs,
In the agony she lies.
Dart secrets, dead heart,
On her body she puts her art.
Words hurt, she starves,
The pain in her skin she carves.
One truth, no hope,
She longs for a new way to cope.
Breaking hearts, she flies,
They learn to listen to the girl who cries.
Blinding lights, hospital bed,
They'll soon find out that she's dead.
Empty smiles, broken dreams,
They pain took her to the extremes.
*trigger warning*
Written by
Alex  20/F/Colorado
       Kristie Townsend and Aditi
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