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Jun 2017
Let us REJOICE in love of the Spirit
As we see others hearts being confronted by His grace from above

REJOICE with the angels
They have noted the repentance
Of the returning sinner
They expect his lifelong perserverence of their joy to be premature
As the convert is a beginner
He is and will be forever their fellow servant.
They look one day to bear him home to glory
Remind our brother
There may be times of weak spite
The evil angels make us groan
Give prayer then the joy of good
Angels will bring forth our desire
To sing in harmony with their delight

REJOICE with The Lord Jesus
For His joy is equivalent to the cost of their redemption
Jesus gives His love with unending
Boundary without petition

REJOICE, in turn we must
With others who convert too
Bringing us closer to being like
Jesus, The One, who saved
Both me and you
Inspired by a Spurgeon sermon
REJOICE with them that do REJOICE.
Romans 12:15
WendyStarry Eyes
Written by
WendyStarry Eyes
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