I would love to meet all of my selves; To dine with, and hold clarifying conversations. I have long been wary of my many personalities, embraced them, and cherished each one of them.
I wish I could individually meet each one of them. To hear them introduce themselves; To hug me and comment on the pleasure of meeting me. To understand them, as seperate persons outside of me. To hear their stories, what groomed who they are; to hear about their days, and talk about their feelings; for them to tell me if I give them enough of me. Do they even like me, or like being a part of me?
They mould who I am; They are who I am. They carry me when I am at my weakest; They are weak with me, cry with me - laugh with me, love with me, and wander with me, at 3:55 am.
Would I enjoy them, and want them to remain a part of my life? Are they individuals with stories, who also need to be heard? Part of being understood is being heard.
We learn new things about ourselves all the time; Maybe, that is how we meet our own selves: In Epiphanies about our identities.