I lay awake watching you sleep Imagining your dreams and what they may be. Sleep is foreign For that I'm deprived And alone I lay As my eyes meet the darkness that surrounds me and this room. My mind wonders too often And often negative energy sets in As my thoughts stammer My head begins to ache There lies why I'm here Why I'm awake My heart is pained and bodies cold Detached from normality That of solomn That of somber .. as you slumber tucked neatly in the warmth of your covers.
I'm here alone.. abandoned with my absurdity As my eyes swell from tears That are formed from my many fears As they stream as the flow.. my eyes have no choice but just to shut Silently exhausting what's left from a dreary day only to surrender myself off to what's hoped to be a deep sleep as I cradle myself Alone I really am..