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Jun 2017
But I still love the way
her freckles are only on her nose
How she can't dance but she
tiptoes across her kitchen
in her socks
There is beauty in the
dirt under her nails
As she grows her mind
This is not an ode
to how she drools in her sleep
Dreaming in puddles
then jumping in them afterwards
She's always liked the rain
She won't beg you to love her
She won't command your trust
She doesn't believe in warfare
But she doesn't mind a fight
She's been fighting herself, leaving her covered in scars
She sleeps alone in the comfort of her own skin
Always alone..but she doesn't mind
This is a poem dedicated to the love she gives to herself
The love that he couldn't give her
The love she can only give to herself
Written by
Lvice  16/Following the bees
(16/Following the bees)   
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