I carry a house on my shoulders, Some bills have been bogging my mind, I've had a tub overflowing for some time With a smile and bags full of boulders under my eyes I can't complain, sir, I'm doing fine. Not fine in the sense, that I'm doing bad Yet, don't want the atmosphere to be tense But fine like life is a struggle, no clouds are in my sky Unless it's raining, in which case we dance.
See, people don't realize you only get one shot To ***** up your life with every atom you've got And listen to many past generations Then continue to make the mistakes you've been making, I'm not being sarcastic, it's wonderful. Seriously, I can't think of a better time to live Sadly, people give all they can give To a digital internet, no disrespect. But stop posting and really live, disconnect. Stop taking pictures and videos to show others Who cares if acquaintances like or love it? It's your life, do you love it?
I've heard from strangers for years say, go get published, So I ask if they'd buy a copy, they say no It's not their thing and they feel out of place Then tell me why your advice was to put my money to waste? Even fans wouldn't offer me a spot On their shelf or their wall, so just leave me here You don't need to encourage me at all. I'll write until my fingers turn to nubs I've been ***** all my life, no matter how hard I scrub.