Some say it's thicker than tar, Others say it tastes like turpentine, To the first I'd say that rumor is stretched too far, And to the second I'd say it tastes quite fine.
As long as you do it right.
I'll even give you the recipe: - A *** of water - Coffee grounds (1/2 cup-3/4 cups) -A non-tattered boot sock (it'll take a little while to find a good one)
Step 1: Pour coffee grounds into sock and tie it off. Step 2: Bring *** of water to a rolling boil Step 3: Steep sock and leave it in ***. Step 4: Remove *** from heat source. Step 5: Wait 5 minutes then serve.
That's it, That's all there is to it, The magic behind it all, Add or subtract time as preferred, Cheaper then a coffee machine, Once the right sock is found.
It is an odd thing to learn, So off the wall and profound.