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Roger Turner - Poet
Apr 2012
The Kid Could Throw
The kid could throw, he really could throw
Scouts were watching back in high school
Arm like a rocket and vision like an owl
Smart too, had all the tools
He could pick apart a defense
He just knew what he could do
But he could throw, the kid could throw
He wasn't coached, the kid just knew
He was fourteen when first spotted
Junior ball in Eastern Michigan
Throwing footballs, Setting records,
Just to break them all again
His mind was agile like his feet
He just knew how plays should go
He was gonna knock them dead in college
He was a sure thing for the show
He made the coaches look amazing
They never, ever called a play
He'd run the team alone while playing
He knew just what he had to say
Three perfect years in highschool
Undefeated every year
State champions...why naturally
The kid just had no fear
He was a leader with that football
He was a man amongst the boys
He sure could pick apart a defense
He broke 'em up like little toys
In third year scouts were knocking
Every college from the East
Full rides without a question
The schools all wanted this young beast
He settled on a team with promise
He knew he could help them win it all
The scouts and coaches stood in awe as
The **** kid could throw that ball
He kept his marks up to the level
That he needed to stay around
He wrote up plays instead of homework
Some in the air, some on the ground
The kid could throw the ****** football
The NFL already knew
He'd already broken most school records
The scouts just knew what he could do
It took two years to make a bowl game
On TV beneath the lights
The country knew of the boy wonder
And they would see it Sunday night
The one thing without question
Was the rocket they called his arm
The coaches built a line around him
They would keep him safe from harm
In third year he decided
He was turning pro that year
The pro scouts all knew of him
The price to get him would be dear
Deals were made through out the summer
Teams were phoning every day
The school was upset he was leaving
The league knew he was set to play
Two first round picks and a reciever
Went to Detroit for his rights
The Lions had the chance to grab him
But the Texans had him in their sights
The Texans proudly took him
He was gonna lead them all the way
The way that this kid threw a football
In Texas they sang "Happy Day"
Our father who are't in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
We lay this boy to rest before us
Before he even played a game
A celebration in a men's club
The boy had come so ****** far
When shots were fired in the crowd there
Two gunmen drove by in a car
He had the world in his possession
Man the kid could throw, really throw
But, fate had chose a different story
How good he was we'll never know
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Thelma Hunt
Roger Turner - Poet
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