Once upon a time You were important. Once upon a time They were inquisitive. They listened. They asked.
They were fascinated and marvelled By your stories of the past, Neglected by fault of ignorance Sought for through awe-inspiring curiosity.
They believed you possessed Wisdom and experience, Knowledge of the otherwise Unknown. They gathered around you, Or perhaps beside you And in front of a fire Begging you to speak Drooling over your words.
You were their entertainment Like pirates, they wanted you to hand over Your treasures Like sharks, they devoured your essence Like vessels, they slowly disappeared Surfing away on a web You never saw, barely know Or comprehend.
Your services are no longer required They found a new friend They call Google, One followed by a hundred zeros. You cannot bit that You do not stand a chance.
Here is where the story gets better They invented rules for words The code is political correctness. It obliges them to pretend, To respect you By continuously finding New flattering definitions for you. By now, you are not even “old” anymore You have lost the right to Your lifetime achievements award. You are just “older” than someone else is.
“Older” enough to retire With honours. They have finally decided To acknowledge Your inevitable infirmity. They are offering you a new perspective Awarding you with a one-way ticket Free ride To your beautiful new home, So that you can rest. A well-deserved rest.
You are simply démodé. The stories you carry Are of no interest anymore. Memories are written Tombstones too. They are gazing at the future Drooling over the fantastic Possibilities. The book they are reading, You are not in.
Treasures of the eldest Buried at sea Rest assure you will be retrieved, When a pressing sense of bleakness Accompanied by devastating guilt, Will bring them back to you Compelling them to ask once again “Please tell us stories of the past”.