In there is semi lurid warm and dark Thoughts pounding and gushing out with forces of momentum Calmness inject solitary rest Restitution of mind rerun light test
Temptation as rats, and rodents accompanied my companion Unsolicited ****** bats ******* Relationship despise my sixfoot death row
Guffaw haunted voice echoed roaring Cut by the gate closed, banging sound deafening Makes fear wrestle boldness
Moreover in here am dead and forgetten in outer world I have seen millions of orion light passed Relatives and friends despise me for I speak the voice of truth Better he lay there ant rot
My skin turns gholish white like a ghost I give up my body and dance with my soul I am a blessed soul enlightened with amethyst truth My unwashed clothes are feed with snow detergent
And my waxing bone strong with rays of dark terruric energy trap My sun never settle it shines Eclipse of moon provides transculent illumination as I see divine Flying high into a realm of self enlightenment in my death row as truth tow me into a free being