My Dad was a unique person too little understood. I do not sing his praises as often as I should.
This day I will remember my Daddy as he was holding me when I was little tickling me, just because.
He would tell me not to worry or have no fears, or tears. He's in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days, or years
I won't think of him as gone away his journey's just begun. For life holds so many facets this earth is only one.
I'll remember not his fight for breath nor remember not the strife I'll not dwell upon his death but celebrate his life.
Today I celebrate his birthday. He would be eighty~four. Though a woman now of many years, I'm still my Daddy's little girl.
May 10, 1933 ~ December 23, 2013 Here he lies with his two wives his wife and her twin sister between the two who really knew identical, they were also tricksters