the laddering of my ribs creak like water-stained cherrywood stairs; tread lightly, lest you stir the dust and the ghosts that dwell underfoot, ‘neath the cracked floorboards of my skin.
i have but a simple request: rid yourself of your lungs and fill up the empty spaces with used coffee filters, crinkled wrapping paper, and forlorn hope. do cast aside the shroud of indecision?, for that winding sheet will only hold you down between your shoulderblades, like framed butterflies pinned on paper with needles of stone and salt.
stay with me tonight. we will be taxidermy birds on marionette strings with crumbled concrete between our talons, the afterimages of neon diner signs stamped into our inner eyelids oscillating, phantasmic.
we'll sing elegies in spring rock sugar on our tongues— there are staves of music written in the lining of your mouth and in the webbing of your hands ––as Sappho might say: girls, sweetvoiced.
oh! but to think that the starfire in your eyes could be extinguished by the tears you shed; i’ll return my heart to the constellations for you
posting content??? in MY account?????? it's more likely than you think