We are full of it , the stain of corrupt stained. flesh , that should haunt our every being . It is what we live with , and feed until like an unwanted guest stares at us from the corner of a room and fixes its eyes on us , helpless to its gaze .
It cusses and dam s us , Corodes us until its acid rain rust particles form . It's. Rebellious Angels drag us down to the way of Cain , Like The way of Kora we stand unflinching. A spot on white gloss , like a muscle needs fibres to tear , Blood to pump , Oxygen to breath it is starved of such things . A worm burrows through timber , as water seeps into wood , Is only fit for wood to be burnt , Set ablaze into the nights sky , and carbon fills the earth .
Like the toxins of cigarette smoke , Into lungs no longer fit to breath It's like a ticking of a clock , Yet it bothers us not , Lot and Sodam understood it not , and death is its grim reaper , An olive branch is cut off ,
Thrown into the flame , Yet one cup can cleanse a dying soul Never to be thrown into the fire . Sin .