If I could paint the skies I would paint it with the links of my mind I would paint it with cyans and magentas and limes Reds and oranges and yellows Blacks and greys and white All sorts of colours I would paint it with sorrow and happiness alike I would paint it with the voice of my soul alight I would paint the sky with my emptiness... And the result Would be the same night sky I see. Stars shining bright No hint of any other colour but The midnight painted with white spots. Galaxies invisible Shooting stars veiled The moon irrepressible The stars afield Their lights not powerful But gentle on the eyes Caressing the soul Of the weary and tired.
If I could paint the skies... And if only I could, I would paint it all colours alike With a thick paintbrush Soaked in a water airy as can be... But, that is, If only.
There is actually an alternate to this poem, a darker alternate stained in red. But people can only see what they want to see...