Two beautiful stars of the night, Capricorn and Lyra Capricorn tending to his herd minding his own business Lyra, a daughter of the sun weaving and spinning Father the sun king notices, and has become pleased
Alas, married forever, so enchanting was their love a love of sweet fairytales, finally days and nights were both one of excitement, no more business and no more weaving or spinning of garments
These days were for play, and love, and happiness and no silly lover could be more foolish than she until father the sun king becomes a little vexed does he wish for her to remain, mild and gentle?
Alas, Capricornus and Lyra's smiles finally vanished as father the sun king ordered them separated and quickly places a river of stars between them and longing in their hearts
Still a glimmer of hope for their love continues as father gifts them with one special night of reuniting, the seventh night of the seventh month
This special occasion of the year they will meet with their hearts overflowing with love and to promise to wait another year as they comfort each other with endless kisses alas, star-lovers an unconventional love story