Zebras Antelopes and Wildebeest Sprinting Across the breathtaking Savannahs.
Survival Instincts....
'A new life to learn survival skills ..... Everything on the go.
A new born calf learns to sprint within 7 minutes of being born.
Window period ... testified by the predators.
A couple of days in life Good to give competition to the Adults in the herd .
"Anew , Life's Lesson Learned "
Had been watching a program on Nat Geo , along with the kids , a few days back. The animal kingdom has so much to offer , to learn life skills , while on the go. The wildebeest and other animals of the same kind , are constantly on the go across the savannahs for survival. It saddened Intrigued and amazed me , to watch ,how the wildebeest' s calf has to learn survival skills in a span of few minutes of being born .
For the mother - The joy of birthing, The fear of losing !!