. War. Famine. Pestilence. Death. Enjoy a game of poker. It relieves the boredom. They only have one Big project booked into the work diary. The horses are stabled, so why not have down time? The day-to-day business takes care of itself. Ably supervised by the humans in a race to the Big day.
The stillness is penetrated by sound. Death cleaning his teeth with his reaping scythe or Death sharpening his reaping scythe on his teeth. Either way, it shattered vertebrae. His nerves were getting twitchy. Three Kings, the Jack and Queen of Clubs. Royals were dropping like flies. It was going to be a busy night. He met Wars eyes and her bet, (****! She looks beautiful sweating), paid an advance and called. Uncharacteristically delicate, he lay down his souls. Jack and Queen of Clubs. Kings of Diamonds, Spades and Hearts.
War smiled sweetly. Her dirk-like eyelashes fluttering an assassins dance. Letting her cards fall soft, triumphant with winners ecstasy, she declares her hand...