I was disguised upon the reality of what I perceived, my life was an incomplete picture. But what filled up the holes of what couldn't be camouflaged in in reflections, was that I was unable to visualize you.
My face wondered on the elegance of what was a mirage of my essence. Even though my world was imperfect it wasn't in the value of what was seen without witnessing. symmetry was my guide dog.
I visualized the delicacy of ever word what was spun upon the weavings of air. It was knitted within my reflections even though not seen I saw ever word you wove on to my eyes.
To envision all that is but a canvass yearning a paint brush to touch in visions of what speaks more than sight. I'm incomplete but I visualize more than you could possibly conceive.
*"My world is incomplete, but I see more than I did with sight,