take a look at the first thing next to you now imagine it but a hundred times brighter (all the time) if life is a glass of water sometimes i wake up and it's filled with caffeine instead to keep me running faster than i want it to there always has been a spark in my eyes that wasn't natural no one's quite sure where it's from but i used to think it was a superpower i used to think not sleeping for days was a superpower too it can be scary if you feel like a puppet that's forced to kick and hurt and attack it can be scary if you can't make yourself stop it can be scary if fun isn't fun anymore but danger it can be scary when you're fragile it's like a bubble in which there are no boundaries the world has no boundaries there's only me and my ideas and i seem to be way better than i'm supposed to how can you stop when there's so much left to do? (even if afterwards it won't be) the world is bright and colorful now but it can go back to greys anytime it won't go to neutral colors (it never does) you can't shut it down if the "it" is you, if the "it" is what you're up against if the "it" is constanly challenging you to go faster better faster faster faster "it" is so fragile if you stop it for a moment there may be no coming back there are so many fun things intense things death can be just one of them if you don't control "it" soon enough
when caitlin snow first got her powers in flashpoint she had to stop them i always had a superpower and it will always have to be stopped
take a look at yourself in the mirror now imagine yourself but a hundred times brighter (all the time) if i'm a good person sometimes i wake up and i'm a goddess instead (what can i be if not godlike if it feels like there's nothing that could possibly stop me?) there's always been times when i felt like i left my old self to come back stronger and happier i don't know if there's a happy because every single time i felt truly happy it was an illusion that doctors called "a chemical imbalance" if i can dress up and be a new me who can dress like this who can do this but if you'd stopped me i could be angry (i don't know an angry me, i always forget her) so i have a calm kind of angry-an angry where no one and nothing else can be touched or hurt but i can when i was confused about sexuality websites were calling it "hypersexuality" it can only be a superpower if i see lights and flashes others don't it can only be a superpower if people i'm in love with have a halo over them it can only be a superpower if i seem to stop the cars around me when i run through the street if someone whispered "high risk, too impulsive" i thought fun and passion the thoughts going through my mind always seem amazing and i wonder if the people who've written the bible felt like this if they did, i'm happy for them i can never forgive myself for things i've done (not sins, i'm too envious of people who are faithful) but i guess it's not, not if there's a spark in my eye that can disappear, only on certain conditions
one of the last things on the wikipedia page for bipolar disorder are the suicide statistics
yeah hi, i suffer from bipolar and it really ***** so yeah, enjoy