"Would you like your groceries bagged in paper or plastic? will you be paying with paper, Or plastic?"
Rock paper scissors has been replaced With something more rudimentary But essentially, Neither have intentionality.
No matter how far you try to move away from synthetic you're still drinking out of plastic eating out of plastic driving, walking, buying, ******* out mounds of it. You put your plastic in plastic, leave it outside until a man swings by throws it into a pit with all the other wasted **** to exist for all eternity.
Would you rather melt or burn? Bankruptcy is a hard lesson to learn But the ashes of this economy have been Touted as prosperity Instead of resigned to an urn To relearn the transparency of democracy As it should be.
I'll trade my plastic smile For a fistful of paper I'll exchange it for something physical, Something bigger Something somehow better, Sans the improvement. The reanimation of the market Capitalism! Ah, The dream land. “Build your monopoly Crush your enemy”
Oops I mean your neighbor They're all the same in this day and age. Community has been sold for pennies on the dollar. Now we’re fighting tooth and nail To be the one wearing the shock collar
Bzzzt! I have the most likes on my photo Bzzzzt This minor annoyance has become my addiction. I’m shopping and sharing And living within this tiny television.
This is post apocalyptic You just can't see it Because you're living in it. Things are better, yes But 6.7% of Americans are diagnosably, incurably depressed. 37% are oppressed 44% are over stressed and 81% are in debt.
Let me just say this now From my white-privilege-podium That keeps all adverse effects Of free speech From touching me
**** this corporate greed that grinds itself down and repackages itself into “The American Dream”.
and **** us, right? For thinking anything here was free.
rough draft rant about this $hit $how we call capitali$m