Yo. [L1 the "he/his" is my father when I exuberantly said it looked like...April.]
(sonnet #MMMMMMCXIX)
Ah me! His short reply: "It's February." dense With aye, signifcance--oh! but how these pale Yet baby-blue fresh skies white cloud puffs trail Across in, like to ice floes' vague pretense Upon some vast sea, whilst the sparrows thence Chirp gaily, distant as the fragile scale Of golden warmth's note--heavn's eye in detail Thus proffers--hints of April in aught sense! Come, feel it in your bones, nor say tis poor! Tree skeletons' long naked boughs splashed to Effect shift as thet purplish touch haunts fer A space cloud islands and oh! Say we knew. Yes, I still cherish these, whileas the moor Lies frozen, glad tis cuz I miss Mum too.