When did we all start walking backwards When did we stop listening for the truth Was it before or was it afterwards Crazy was set on cruise
It wasn't like this in the beginning Does this mean we're nearing the end Is this how Satan makes his living Throwing blinders over the minds of men
Have we been played for a song off key To the tune of hold on tight I remember when wrong used to be so lonely Now lonely has a hold of right
Crazy now comes in different flavors One for each day of the week Twice on Saturdays to share with the neighbors Cartoon crazy at it's peak
Yet to some this all seems normal Where right is wrong and wrong is right Which makes me think we're headed for trouble All loose change without any dimes
Humming along to a song off key To the tune of hold on tight I remember when wrong used to be so lonely Now lonely has a hold of right
Not to take away from the point of the poem but the last part about the dimes is interesting. Google: Why do I keep finding dimes everywhere. I find dimes so often I looked it up...very strange.