its nice to be in shape buffed up in mannequin world
ive frequented gyms for years i like nice bodies
to often though thats where nice stops while nomadic cliques of self admiring gym gods squeeze out their last leg press bench press laughing slappin five indulging in the theater of acoustic grunts a public exhibition of self aggrandizement while the lost uninitiated look on progress-less who fear being objectified while obsessed objectify themselves
they wana be icons too magnets of adoration unable to imagine that their imagine-less waxed bleached buffed and mute muzzled by group think
desolated hungry women terrified by the direct approach in avoidance of the blood hot glance liking to believe its their mind that should excite testosterone soaked men
these young women pretending not to care and show their come **** me daddy tears of desire dreaming of the one turning down the fleshy offerings of Aphrodite with eyes that say i don't think so for fear of being called a ***** in Mannequin World