Hard frost and treacherous footing. Nobody wanting to admit that the new year tastes an awful lot like the old year.
None of our heroes have been supernaturally resurrected. There's the same rank toxicity to our fears. The jaunty carnival of ****** and maiming continues unabated. Death remains as senseless. The corridors of power are still slippery with slug trails and viscera, and all the janitors have been indefinitely furloughed. It's cold, and the bus is late again.
Still we persist in believing that today will be different to yesterday, that all those wrongs will be righted, that the proper order - as we each individually, as thin-skinned gods of our own personal nuclear universes, perceive it - will be perennially restored, the buses will all run on time, and no one good will ever die again.
But the truth is, this year tastes an awful lot like the old year. I could be wrong, I guess. Maybe everything will turn out fine.