I don't know why I doubted you that Washington set in motion Pearl Harbor before it blew or that LBJ had Kennedy killed and that nothingΒ Β happened at the Gulf of Tonkin you were there too on a boat on the Hudson with a bird's eye view when the Twin Towers fell in on itself not one, not two but the first 3 to ever do so ain't that a clue Eisenhower warned us Kennedy too before they took off his head for us all to see that peace on Earth was not meant to be that war is the game that must endure yet we are the cream we are the pure tell me tell me tell me more what does the future have in store is there a man who can rid us of rampant sin from the bowels of our nation destroy evil from within? there is such a man there are many in fact but the journey is treacherous the obstacles great and no man has managed to make it his fate for evil has hold of all that we see all that we touch is poisoned by thee the churches, the judges, the men in black suits have given their souls abandoned their roots what we saw on the horizon just moments away died a nation's hope that November day so why do you question me year after year? because the weapon of evil is to doubt what we fear