This is the place I’m supposed to call home Then why do I feel so foreign here? Like a first time tourist lost within a country where no one speaks English
Yet, at the same time I see the same faces the same places The menu at the diner around the corner never changes The streetlights come on at the same time each day without fail, except for that one down the street that’s been out since before I can remember Never changing, always stagnant Like an iPod stuck repeating the same bubblegum, boy band pop song from 2004
And I feel my stomach turn my face turns green my temperature rises I am sick of this place I am tired of this place I am sick and tired of whitewashed, backwards thinking of “I’ll take care of myself - ***** anybody else.” Because this might be a town but it is anything but a community
And one day hopefully soon I will escape the invisible bars that trace the outline of this town that are continually getting smaller and smaller as my dreams become bigger and bigger