love, for me / is where it starts / it grows from there / or it benjamin buttons its way down / to a lukewarm spark
i begin my descent / upon the first hello / upon the first charming smile / i fall and fall and fall
there is no hollywood slow motion / it is not head over heels / it is skull crushed into pavement / i kiss my own ankles
everyone says / you can't possibly love someone / as quickly as i can / and if you beat the odds, somehow / you can't possibly love with / the ferocity that i do
(i am a rare breed / my passion is feared)
i love and love / i continue to adore / until my affections are too much / until the object of my desires / decides my devotion is suffocating / and i understand / it does not hurt any less -- it is bone crushing devastation, i have finally hit the ground -- but i understand / why they come and go like the rain
i dive / headfirst into love / headfirst into heartache