Loneliness is a shadowy hand That reaches deep into the night, Clutching our hearts, awakening our pain, Reminding us of our wretched plight (Without feeling the least bit contrite)
What a cruel master is Loneliness, Each night it connives with the moon, Urging her to mock and deride our pain, While we cry, and our hearts lie in ruin (To our pain and woe they're both immune)
Born of an evil, uncaring source Loneliness has but one intent: To deliver its pain and agony To our hearts, causing endless torment (Turning a deaf ear to our lament)
Loneliness can change a smiling face To one filled with panic and fear; Tearful eyes that once reflected Love Tell Loneliness what it longs to hear: (We have lost the one we held most dear)
But Loneliness has one fearless foe That always ensures its defeat: Love appears, rendering its deadly blow, Knocking Loneliness right off its feet (What other battle could be as sweet?)
Alas! Loneliness will not be deterred, It knows the ways of Love are fleeting, How patiently it waits in the shadows To pounce when it sees Love retreating! (And the dead heart goes right on beating)