There is an answer to why every privileged ******* can't write;
They talk of heaven, they preach about angels and how they might sing, yeah,
but haven't seen one. They haven't listened to them and cannot hear them.
***** rhetoric applauding their enclosure as the door closes.
Brain dead featherweights tethered by their bibles and white supremacy.
"Ideology" cult of the soul without a purple beating heart.
***** rhetoric; repeat Frances Scott Key and emphasize landscape.
We've all seen the fields, we know how green the grass is, and how blue the sea.
Biblical visions; worship "democracy" and call your leader "king".
"ideology" a mask for supremacy. ***** rhetoric.
You're going to choke and you can't have the angels after you **** them.
Seriously all you white folks writing the star spangled banner + Donald Trump's likeness need to stop confusing yourselves with artists and writers. Also your poetry ***** objectively, lacks originality, takes no risk, and is closer to propaganda than art. Just saying.