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Oct 2016
You don't know fear until it's 1am and your close friend texts you that he wants to drive his car off a bridge and you want to scream but it's 1am and you're supposed to be asleep.

You don't know fear until you're 12 years old and your father comes to pick you up from a great week of camp and you demand to know where your brother is because, well, he promised to come get you and it's only until you're driving home that you find out he's in the hospital because he almost hurt himself irreparably.

And you don't know fear until you're ******* around on the tracks with your best friend and don't notice the train and you scream for him to get off and thankfully there's two hearts pounding on the gravel as relieved laughter echoes across the emptiness and not one.

And believe me, you don't know fear until the girl who means the world to you tells you that she's not okay, more not okay than you initially thought, and the only ting you can do is feel the tears start to pour as, for the first time in your life, you pray to someone out there that she'll be okay.

You don't know fear until you find out so much about a close friend and you go through every day terrified he'll end himself and you won't be able to stop him.

You don't know fear until something happens to
someone you love and there's nothing
Wrote this AT the coffeehouse. Really a very personal piece. All of these stories are true.
Lila Valentine
Written by
Lila Valentine  Highland Park
(Highland Park)   
   --- and Doug Potter
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