It's always you My hornèd demon I hold your hairy head between my legs My head pounds as yours torments Your forked tongue finds every opening You slither hither; hypnotic dance I forget myself. I forget what else You love me deeply Our twin flames flicker wildly & Burst the sunrise You wild beast of animal and man. I will catch you if I can You were my all, my reason for life I once dreamed of being your wife Stars fall like fireworks from the sky But Night descends quicker than stars Entranced, trapped, enslaved Not love but tortured dreams Your cruelty astounds me your manipulation and slight of hand The curve ball, the trick in your eye.
How do you do it? Smoke & mirrors. All of it. Here now, now gone. So long. Hear the echoes of the crowd. Memories of your face.; Trickster grin. And I, the fool born every minute. And again, The Mask. The mask we all wear, but tear off. Your mask, you keep on. Rip-Off Under the smiles and grin. The hornèd demon is reality I think. The animal that walks like a man. A beast walking upright, horns gleaming in the moonlight. Pan Satyr, your Dionysian dream. Your mask so sweet & smiling. Your funhouse & shattered mirrors . Your thousand faces laughing. I’ve left it all-behind me.