one night as I was laying on my bed words keep on popping out in my head like a lyrics of a song that repeats without an end
i let it be i let the letter, word, phrase surround and trap me like a maze but I was just there on my bed my eyes open as if in a daze
i let the words bounce and jump on my head, on my body on my pillow, on my blanket on my bed, in my room on the ceiling, on the walls faster, faster and faster
'til I can't take it anymore so I get down my bed pen and paper is what I get to calm the words that bounces in my head
as i wrote everything down it feels like I'm draining out like a shoe that was worn out and everything became calm the calmness after the storm like a very comforting psalm
so as the ink rests on the paper and the words lay down on the sheet i tucked all the phrases in kissed them good night as I finally get some good night's sleep
so that night you'll see me sleeping silently beside the paper with a resting poetry.
It actually happens a lot to me. Not just when sleeping, even when I'm takingΒ Β a bath or doing chores or whatever I do the words just pops out. It sometimes stops when I let it slip, but more often, it will distract me too much until I write it down. Well, maybe that's the life we all live.