The crescent moon be my perch. A bough from which I extend my arm. Careful fingers grasp my brush... And with it I shall fill the void with the universe.
The crescent moon be my hammock. Upon which I lean fully into, to seek restful recluse. Should my body start to buckle... From the heavy hopes of wistful eyes.
The crescent moon be my anchor. From which I draw my inspiration and strength. She would cradle and sway me gentle... When wilting hearts spill unto me the callous wiles of the world.
The crescent moon be my well. A fount through which my palette remains full with an abundant array of silvery white.
Just so... I could conjure for others, what their hearts so desire.
Just so... I could grant them needed solace and tranquillity.
Just so... I could infinitely paint for them the stars...