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Sep 2016
The misfortune
of having it all

I’ve become one like them
Growing accustomed to the norm
Finding peace of mind in
the minimal
Pretend people
practicing prayers
they don't believe in
truth be told

They ran, for they feared
having something real
They wanted to have security
in falsification
Those little laughs in between
re-lived stories of the time
when nothing really happened

Nothing ever really happens for them

Rather than love and happiness,
Money and clinical-depression
Censorship in their realities
They had nothing having it all

In the end
we are all but one
Carrying the deeds of
another man's profits
While street prophets
carry out the deeds of
our days that will
never be shed
onto the normality of
the dead
Lucca Roberto
Written by
Lucca Roberto  21/M/Pennsylvania
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