My body is the planet
My heart is the people.
It is fighting itself.
The blood popping from their vessels like the volcanoes erupting.
My heart hates itself.
No more than the mirror on the shelf.
My body is evolving.
My body as the planet,
But somehow my emotions are changing with the tide of the ocean.
The people hope for a promotion,
Like the brain in all glory,
This, this is my planets story.
Each scar is a war,
Originating from the heart of pain.
Beneath the scars there are bones,
The support of my world,
The atmosphere,
Keeping all that is bad out,
But yet the bones keep breaking.
These seeds of evil keep coming out,
And I am feeling dark.
These bones,
The atmosphere is breaking
The ozone becoming as thin as paper,
My bones as paper shall break.
This planet of mine,
This body of mine,
Has something to see.
These eyes as oceans,
They flow within me.
The oceans as eyes so calming.
Stood in the dark place, but the water remains.
The one thing that holds beauty when the people’s actions do not,
This is the area in which we are taught
To read people.
When you look in my eyes,
Though not blue,
You will see life.
Life as the sea, because there is a world within the waters.
So much life and profound hope to be seen,
And here is where you look.
These eyes see sadness just as the oceans become *****,
You can poison the heart, the people.
You can break the bones, he land, and tear them to shreds,
But the eyes, the oceans will move on.
It will roar.
And the brain you ask,
This brain is the main part in which I operate.
It is the history of which Ive seen and what Ive not,
Learning from its mistakes and taking the past as learning tools,
Not criticizing the last fools.
My brain sees the unseen.
My brain is not the people,
For not everyone understands the past.
My brain is not the land, not the bones,
Because bones will fall.
My brain is history.
And history is not to be forgotten.