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Sep 2016
In this jungle of humans I am counting my breath
Come and take me along, Oh death ,sweet death
I can not bear more pain and more torture my Lord
Shower your mercy be kind to your follower ,ward
I do not know what to do and how to ask for solace
Please come down to me like a Creator to embrace
What is life and death and what remains in between
I am pale yellow in illness only you can make green
I was sent to this world which was not as per choice
Hence I as a right have a right to be happy to rejoice
But still I know the state of my helplessness as man
I am a staunch follower I have to go as per your plan
Your beauty haunts me your love takes me to peaks
I am enlightened with your light I full with streaks
You are Lord I am servant please look after servitude
You are kind in boundless limits I still remain crude

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Written by
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan  Abbottabad Pakistan
(Abbottabad Pakistan)   
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