What’s the statute of limitations on my obligations as a son on my victimhood as a semi-orphan on my blamefulness as a father When does it end—these yet-to-be-seen effects of the mundane I make now? When do I not carry them the strings of the yarn map tracing my endless encounters and tacking not into cork but into my soul stretched pulled in four dimensions. Length times width times depth times time. I coexist in every manifestation of myself simultaneously. All time all me, all tacked, All pulled, all stretched by more hands than my own. Vibrating into my marrow reminding of the inescapability of the contracts I didn’t sign. Most of them.
Each day the threads move. They swirl and choke or puncture taut and pull. pull. pull me back, back to them. To early morning and late nights every day That old house of repressed memories and façade bonds of newspaper-wrapped electric circuits waiting for the spark to finally incense the old aged kindling of other string maps of other pasts of more and more disappointment.
My heart is a prism. a rock. set in the stone of my chest compressed by pressure into endlessly juxtaposed edges of glass. An edge: a time a place a person a me. Surrounded onyx black but yet Reflecting. It’s deep yes but shine deep enough yes, go and it will reflect go on, go on fluoresce yes yes yes go myriad colors of spectrums of me torn out of the mine of my own construction of the muscle memories of the past pains of the unceasing variations of the crude black **** I’ve made before.
How long will I be responsible for her? For you? Was I ever? Am I at all?